
Lab-Tesla hosts extensive records of Dr. Nikola Tesla's work

All of our research and development is based on authenticated documentation that was deliberately published into the historical record by Dr. Tesla during his lifetime.

If you want to learn about Tesla, it helps to have someone walk you through the material. For this purpose we have an Archive Page and on this page you will find ordered links, and an in-depth review of the critical sections in the Martin Book.


Authenticated Documentation: Patents, Lectures, Articles, with Lab-Tesla commentary

The Lectures of Dr. Nikola Tesla

All lectures are formatted with legible images of the original wood cut block prints

Tesla's Complete Patents

There are 111 unique Tesla Patents

Articles by Tesla

Tesla made public disclosures of means, methods, systems, and apparatus in various articles.

Tesla's Laboratory Power

Boiler, Steam Engine, Line-Shaft, Belts & Pulleys

Tesla's Arc-Light Technology

Automatic Lamps, Commutators, Regulators, DC Generator or "Dynamo"

Self-Exciting Dynamos and Alternators

Rectification, Energy Conversion

Tesla's Cymatic Research

Steam Powered Isochronous Acoustic Oscillators & Generators

Tesla's Electrical Isochronous Oscillators

Capacitive Discharge Power Processing

Tesla's Electric Circuit Controllers

Precision Switching Technology

Tesla Transmitters

Wireless Transmission of Electrical Energy

Nikola Tesla Receiver Technology

Home Appliances and Industrial Solutions


Angular Displacement Receivers

Tesla's Coherer Technology

Wireless Communications Receivers

Tesla Fluid Model

Unified Field Mathematics

Tesla's Fluid Dynamics

Turbine, Valvular Conduit, Pump, Fountain, Velocity Meters, Aerial Transportation

Some people find us because they want to construct Tesla Coils for the purposes of producing artificial lightning.

High Performance Tesla Resonator Design

Tesla Primary Coil Design

RQ/TCBOR Cylinder Static Gap

High Performance Air-Blast Spark Gap

Tesla Complete Patents, 4 Lectures, & Articles

pdf - Published by the Tesla Museum Beograd - 1956 - 533 megs

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