Nikola Tesla's Fluid Dynamics

Turbine, Valvular Conduit, Pump, Fountain, Velocity Meters, Aerial Transportation


Turbine - Oct 21, 1909


Valvular Conduit - Feb 21, 1916

The system that Tesla designed and actually operated here is simply amazing. The biggest problem with the Tesla Turbine is that the materials science required for the turbine discs is identical to the problems found in jet engine turbine blades, or possibly worse. Either the discs have to be machined from a single crystal of alloy, or you have to use ceramics. The combustion chamber of the Tesla Turbine is designed as a rocket engine combustion chamber, and the intake manifold to the turbine discs is a rocket nozzle. This rocket motor is powered with pulses of fuel and air/oxidizer delivered through one-way valvular conduits and has no moving parts. This is much more advanced technology than the Germans developed with the V-1 pulse jet, because the Tesla Turbine uses a pulse rocket to drive the turbine disks.

From all appearances, the Turbine, the Pump, the Meters even, are descended from electromagnetic studies on 405,858 and 406,968 which are covered in the section on Tesla Transmitters.


Fluid Propulsion - Oct 21, 1909


Fountain - Oct 28, 1913



Speed-Indicator - May 29, 1914


Speed-Indicator - Dec 18, 1916


Ship's Log - Dec 18, 1916


Flow-Meter - Dec 18, 1916


Frequency Meter - Dec 18, 1916


Method of Aerial Transportation - Sept 9, 1921


Apparatus for Aerial Transportation - Oct 4, 1927

Related Patents


Method of Insulating Electrical Conductors - Sept 21, 1900


Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations - Mar 21, 1900

Tesla Fluid Model

Unified Field Mathematics

Tesla Transmitters

Wireless Transmission of Electrical Energy

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