The Krohn-Hite 7500 is a wideband power amplifier with an output rating of 75 watts at 100 KHz (100,000 cycles per second or well above the range of human hearing). This research grade amplifier is on our test bench currently, waiting for the main lab power supply upgrade.
Read MoreThe 3-500ZG is a modern version of the first "grounded-grid" high-mu power triode tube introduced by Eimac in the early 1960's as the 3-400. Our Chinese made 3-500ZG is a clone of the 3-500Z design developed by Amperex in the 1990's. The high-voltage anode on the top of the tube will produce the output power signal to drive Lab-Tesla research and development to the next level: Wireless Motors and Ion Drive technology.
Read MoreThe posting of this page on July 12th, 2017, marks the first public disclosure of this proprietary Lab-Tesla research. Everybody knows that Tesla frequently talked about wireless motors, but in fact, Tesla applied for, and received, a US Patent for his wireless motor technology.
Read MoreProprietary Lab-Tesla research has resulted in the physical construction of two low-cost, high-efficiency, ion drive motor cores for electric spacecraft. Pendulum testing is on hold, waiting for the upgrade to the main lab power supply.
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